Analyst Eli's reports

From Daemoness and Hamekuli
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Initial Report

Dead Moon Raiders Lead by a mysterious woman known only as "The Daemoness" they primarily operate on the svarg end of the sparsely populated fringes of the galaxy. The only other member of note is the bounty hunter "Kh4y0Z" the svarg-er that was lucky enough to retrieve a marooned Moff. Otherwise yet another completely forgettable bounty hunter.
Known assets
2 Decrepit old Zeds modified to carry contraband.
1 Y-Wing in surprisingly good condition considering age and abuse. Torpedo tubes removed for increased bomb capacity. Auto blaster turret locked in forward position.
1 Thrice stolen, mothballed T-65 X-Wing. Upper port cannon prone to overheating / misfiring, port torpedo tube inoperable, targeting computer removed.
1 Excecively gaudy HWK-290 dubbed "Plague Hawk" Kh4y0Z's personal flying wreck "improved" using the payoff from the Moff. Still armed with outmoded blaster turret.
2 Astromech droids with confirmed Droid Rot. Constantly overcharge any engines they are given access to.
1 Dammaged WED-15 repair droid stolen from a GR-75 slated for demolition. Chassi welded shut, memory banks corrupted, data port burnt out.
1 K4 security droid lacking weapon systems.

Threat Analysis: Only to themselves and whatever their flaming wrecks smash into.

Action is Taken

Republic Intel Analyst Eli's report:
We have hired a Trandoshan to infiltrate the DMR, I think. Codename Agent Hiss has thus far refused to communicate with anything other than simple gestures and angry hissing. However a reliable contact has assured me that Agent Hiss is extremely reliable and that we had a contract.

Based on recently received intel we believe they are based on a backwards ball of dirt registered as Draconis 42-3 (Third world of the Draconis 42 system. Apparently 56 systems have been dubbed Draconis.) Local inhabitants use archaic slug thrower weaponry and have no native space program. Friendly towards the Republic. They have promised to look into pirate/cartel/syndicate/etc. activity in desert and dense jungle regions usually ignored due to inhospitable nature. They request aid with cold weather equipment for poles and extreme mountain terrain. Maybe we can send them some of our large cache of retired snow trooper equipment currently in mothball? Locals are extremely close to humans so little to no modification should be required.

Even if nothing comes of Agent Hiss' attempt we are apparently only out his tab at a local bar. Draconis 42-3 native forces volunteered on contact and it's not like we really have any use for that old Imperial equipment. Cheap enough to give it a try I think.

Admendum: Agent Hiss' tab was rather more than I thought possible. I am currently negotiating with the owner of the bar.

Plans go Astray

Republic Intel Analyst Eli's report:
Local security forces on Draconis 42-3 have begun organized search of the desert areas with the aid of Agent Hiss and "Offworld Contractors", surveillance drone image attached.

This image shows the "Offworld Contractors", Agent Hiss and an experimental transport in action against a suspected DMR encampment. Upon inspection it appears that the DMR are the "Offworld Contractors" and Agent Hiss has successfully infiltrated the group. Unfortunately I have received no communications from Agent Hiss, and the locals have hired the very gang we seek. My contact from Draconis 42-3 did however identify their leader in the image but referred to her as "Lady D'Muse".
Annotated image with enlargements attached.

A Hero’s Due

Republic Intel Analyst Eli's report:
Agent Hiss has missed all five scheduled contacts. We believe him lost. I would suggest citation of honor (posthumous) except no information known about Agent beyond codename. Proven agents have been dispatched: Henderson and crew of YV-666 freighter "Party Bus" (see attached dossier)

Betrayal... Possibly

Republic Intel Analyst Eli's report:
Current intel suggests that, by his own admission, Henderson has betrayed us. Maybe. Upon initial contact with DMR Henderson "durn well tole those 'air blighters we was 'public aye gents." Henderson goes on to report Hiss has been, and still is, happily chatting away with the DMR. Officially rescinding previous suggestion re. Agent Hiss, instead issue warrant. Henderson claims that "they'da smelled thart thar hifalutin' tranun on Hoss (Ranger Howe) a'fore weed a got you gents much a any thang" as reason for breaking cover.


Republic Intel Analyst Eli's report:
Due to lack of substantial information I have decided to play it safe and assume Henderson HAS betrayed us. As such Alliance smuggler Yed Rae and crew have been dispatched to retrieve Henderson. Once his YT-2400 is repaired from his latest (failed) attempt to navigate asteroid field (al la Dash Rendar).

Patterns Emerge

Begin Transcript: Damnit! It happened AGAIN! Yed Rae has defected to the DMR. ... And they've found a stash of old Storm Trooper equipment. ... And a GOZANTI?! ... WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY FIND ALL THAT?! ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN BARSKOL?! I THOUGHT THAT MUD BALL WAS THOROUGHLY SEARCHED! ... Damnit, this is EXACTLY why I ordered a boots on ground search. How manny times have I told you; an orbital scan can miss a powered down ship if you put several meters of dirt around it.
End Transcript


Begin Transcript: Oh for the love of! Now they're working with SLAVERS!
End Transcript.