Dead Moon Raiders
Lead by a mysterious woman known only as "The Daemoness" they primarily operate on the svarg end of the sparsely populated fringes of the galaxy. The only other member of note is the bounty hunter "Kh4y0z" the svarg-er that was lucky enough to retrieve a marooned Moff. Otherwise yet another completely forgettable bounty hunter.
__PLAGUE HAWK: customized HWK-290, Kh4y0z's personal ship
__FRUITBAT: bomber Y-Wing, Ion cannon inoperative, over-clocked main guns, piloted by Jakin
__REVENGE 1: smugglers Z-95, piloted by Kleck
__REVENGE 3: smugglers Z-95, piloted by Knarssa
__REVENGE 4: T-65 X-Wing, upper port cannon prone to overheating / misfiring, port torpedo tube inoperable, targeting computer removed, piloted by Treem
__HONED BLADE: Y-Wing, torpedo tubes removed to carry probe droids Guardsman Erik and Guardsman Heidi, auto blaster turret locked forward, piloted by Meg Tanner
__BLACK DRAGON: customized G-1A, piloted by Agent "Hiss"
__SHINY: ARC-170, piloted by Rovar, owned by Breya.
___REAVER-BOT: Bloodthirsty with severe case of droid-rot. Owned by Rovar. Acting tail gunner aboard the "Shiny."
___PURP-BOT: Reprogramed as Meg Tanner’s personal assistant. Aids in repairs and maintains record of bounties and warrants on DMR members.
___ROTTY 1: Purple astromech with droid-rot. Owned by Meg Tanner. Habitually overcharges engines.
___ROTTY ALPHA: Black astromech with droid-rot. Owned by Meg Tanner. Learned to overcharge engines from Rotty 1.
___GUNTER: Aging green targeting astromech currently owned by Jakin, previously by Meg Tanner.
___REAVER-CAN: Sadistic targeting astromech owned by Rovar.
__PROBE: 3
___CAROLUS REX: Refurbished by Meg Tanner the programming installed in this droid was highly corrupted creating delusions of grandeur. No attempt has been made to correct them despite it declaring itself ruler of a sovereign nation that doesn't exist and claiming Meg Tanner as its co-ruler.
___GUARDSMAN ERIK: Runing a copy of the Carolus Rex program modified for subservience to Meg Tanner and the Carolus Rex unit. Currently seeking spouse willing to accept its glorious service to the "Kingdom of Sweden." 54 attempts at wooing, 67 denials.
___GUARDSMAN HEIDI: Running a modification of the Guardsman Erik Program with the brashness toned down and romantic inclinations removed. Currently seeking new territory to claim for the "Kingdom of Sweden." FOR THE GLORY OF CAROLUS REX AND LADY TANNER!
__The Daemoness, Leader
__Kh4y0z, Other
__Meg Tanner, Mechanic
__Jakin, Pilot
__Zidid, Other, one of The Twins
__Nuzur, Other, one of The Twins
__Treem, Blood Flight Pilot
__Knarssa, Blood Flight Pilot
__Kleck, Blood Flight Pilot
__Agent Hiss, Other
__Breya, Other
__Rovar, Bodyguard
__Chip, Pilot
__Lucy “Lucre”, Pilot